Zenith during lockdown

Since we last met in March, I have really missed meeting up with my Zenith friends to sing and practice songs we know and develop songs we are learning. Fortunately we have been having a meeting on Zoom each Tuesday thanks to Jennie.

We have decided to record ourselves singing our own parts using YouTube clips of the songs, which Andy has prepared. We are concentrating on developing 5 of the songs which were “In Progress”.

To keep our varied repertoire these songs are different genres, including two 20th century songs. Surprisingly, the 20th century songs seem to be the most challenging. (I’m sure it’s not the arrangements). Once we have recorded our parts we send them to the expert producer Jennie who is putting them together for us and sending us the resultant settings.

My thoughts on this process are that I am firstly really learning our songs more deeply and secondly it is making me consider my singing technique. Listening to our recorded voices can be quite a shock as the recording highlights any issues we may not be totally happy with.
